Sunday, September 9, 2012

Celebrity Guest Kitty: Murphy!

I know I talk about all things dog here at House of Primo, but one of the first furry loves of my adult life was a little black, meowing furball named Murphy.  He lives with my parents now because his mere presence will make R break into hives/have a seizure, but I think about him all the time and have been known to call Preems Murph when he's misbehaving.  (I totally get why my grandmother called me by everyone else's name for most of my life now.) 

Here he is during a recent visit to my parents' Murphy's house:

Trust me when I say that
this photo is very slimming.

I think Murphy remembers me when I visit, but it's clear he is super happy in his new home.  He gets lots of attention, an abundance of treats, and my old queen-sized bed.  (He almost visibly scoffs when he walks past the old cat bed where he used to sleep in my apartment.)

Still spry like a kitty half his age.
I promise we'll get back to the dogs in the next post, but Murphy was overdue for a post here. I hope he and Primo get to meet some day - I will be sure to post video of that.  (Murphy may never meow to me again, but it will be good for him to get some exercise.)


  1. Oh Murph!! How I have missed thee! It's good to see him in all his furry glory.

  2. You must have used a narrow-angle lens for Murphy's pictures :)

  3. Murphy is definitely ready to make his mark in the blogging world! He's got stars in his kitty eyes - and clearly already knows how to pose to get his good side. ;)
