Saturday, August 25, 2012

R.I.P. Blue Dinosaur

You were a cute little toy and contained dramatically more stuffing that we could have ever expected.


  1. Poor blue dinosaur. Mippo, crabby and many others have gone before him over here at our house. Others survive after some surgery by my mother.

    So far the key survivors have been Lovey (a gray elephant that he's had for sleeping since he was a puppy - no clue what brand, I really think it's just that he loves love and won't savage him as much. Lovey does have a few bald spots from being defurred though.), and a lobster and wolf which I think were made by Hugglehounds. I do think puppy teeth are especially sharp though. Does Primo have his big dog teeth yet?

  2. He does have his bog dog teeth, along with a big dog, almost bone crushing bite. Combine that with his pure puppy enthusiasm for playing hard all the time and its just bad news for his toys. Although, you're right - his puppy teeth were like razors. Good grief.

    It's so sweet to hear that Dexter has some favorites that have stuck around! How's Lovey's nose looking? ;) I wish we were closer so Dexter could teach Preems some manners. I'm going to look for Hugglehound so we have a prayer of keeping toys longer than a week.
