Friday, January 20, 2012

Who's really being trained here?

Happy New Year!  Primo enjoyed a nice holiday with an absurd amount of toys, and is now relaxed and ready to work on his manners in 2012.

Preems recently started training at a local, holistic pet shop (which are more common than you might think) and is doing really well.  In fact, one very nice woman who is the proud mother to a Schnauzer/Poodle mix named Dottie swears that he's one of the most in-tune dogs she has ever seen. 

During this exercise, owners jump up and down while the puppies look at us like we're idiots.

Little did she know that I had hot dog bits in my hand throughout the entire class.  Our trainer prefers to call Preems "independent" and, upon discovering the hot dogs, whispered that I smuggled in the "good stuff."

Part of me wants to get a fanny-pack to keep the treats readily available. 
But it's a very small part of me that I'm choosing to ignore right now.

Primo has some pretty cute classmates, too.  In addition to Dottie, Preems is joined by Sophie, a 14 month-old cattle dog mix recently rescued by her owners.  Remi is a 5 month-old German Shepherd that likes to guard the water bowl during class and George is a 5 month-old Newfoundland that's a bit of a drooler.  Penny is a 4 month-old Golden Retriever rescue with the sweetest personality and, occasionally, we're joined by the twins - Henry and Ruby.  They're English Bull Dog littermates and are completely hilarious.

Stay tuned for more updates on Primo's progress.  I've already publically declared him to be a genius and my current goal is to get him to flop over when I make my hand into a gun and yell, bang!

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